2011 Canadian Tour Dates

Antoine Maranda

When I was 20 years old, a strange encounter in the Himalayan mountains of India, introduced me to the non-medical aspect of the MSF work; I had just met a logistician for the firts time. Since then, I’ve been collecting around the world a multitude of travelling and working experiences, like tree-planting or coordinating small NGO’s, that slowly gave me the skills and knowledge to be a logistician. I’ve now been honoured to be part of the MSF team as an all-around logistician in Zémio, Cenral African Republic. A formation in water and sanitation will now lead me to this more specific apect of the work during my next mission in Democratic Republic of Congo. It is now with pleasure that I will share this short but really rich MSF experience with the public through the Refugge Camp In the City exibit.

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